tisdag 20 oktober 2009

Im now one of them

I feel old! What can I say? Okay, I'm "only" 21 and I still got most of my life ahead of me. But there are certain things in life that make you feel old. Some things are good, then there are things that's not that good...

I've had a lot of headaches lately, and specially after school. So today I had an appointment to go get my eyes checked. Yep I came out from there as "one of them". I'm now old! I'm doomed! From now on I'm supposed to wear glaces when I read. Do you know what's even worse? From here it's only down hill!


1 kommentar:

Sofia sa...

Men Ida, man är inte gammal för att man måste ha brillor. Det finns ju en massa kids som också måste ha det när man läser. Men var glad för att du har en anledning, jag känner bara mig gammal. Som gatan. Snart dags för pensionen.