torsdag 29 april 2010

A student with no money... I've been looking for a summer job since the beginning of February. It's not an easy thing. I have been sending in my papers to every company in sight. I got a call today from one of the companies (finally!!). I'm going to deliver news papers every other weekend. My first weekend will be May 15/16. I've never been good with mornings.. so this will be interesting haha!!


tisdag 13 april 2010

Work work work

Last week, this week and next week. No school, but work. We are out working at elderly homes. It's a lot of fun and I have learned a lot of new stuff. It's fun to see everything in real life now that we have read about in class before. I'm walking around with one of the nurses. =)

(There are two kinds of nurses; first the nurse that does all the medical stuff and then there are nurses that's taking care of the patients 24/7. I'm walking around with one of the "real" nurses).
